Iron Shevy

Iron Shevy



改訂 0

The Iron Shevy is a fast truck capable of speeding your ride and has the best luxury experience imaginable upon entering. It may not do well in off-roading, but it has a high fuel tank and can store lots lf gas without stinking up the car while at the same time it taes a full 3 hours for it to even use a gallon of the 20 gallons it can store in a ride. It is a ride with the most wanted features.


全長 6.5 m
全幅 2.25 m
全高 2 m
重量 1.656 t
体力 520
火力 0
装甲 0
加速 2400
出力 5220
コスト コイン 4400 / ゴールド 0
アプリバージョン 1.2.3